Colwall Village Society Newsletters

Pdf versions of the newsletters can be viewed by clicking on the blue links.

August 2022
Liz Hill: A history of Mormons in Colwall
Welch's Grocers
May 2022
Andy Ball: Vinegar Works Tram Line
Evendine Court Scrapbooks
October 2021
Liz Hill: Searching for the Colwall Oaks
July 2021
David Hodgson and Paul Picton:Colwall Flower Shows and Horticultural Society (Part 2)
Liz Hill: Recording the Present for the Future
Elizabeth Whiting: Wildflowers in Stowe Lane
April 2021
David Hodgson and Paul Picton:Colwall Flower Shows and Horticultural Society (Part 1)
Liz Hill: Colwall's Veteran and Ancient Trees
Susan Bond: News from the Archives Co-ordinator
August 2020
Victoria County History Short on Colwall
Lindsay Williams: Recreating the Lost Wildflower Meadows
June 2020
John Fagg (Victoria County History): Occupational Change in Colwall and Cradley, 1851-1901
February 2020
Patricia Hegarty: Personal memories of Hope End
Wilfred Harper: Troyte Griffith Architect, Artist & Enigma Variation
November 2019
Andy Ball: Bringing some Rewilding to Colwall
August 2019
David Hodgson: Colwall and Local Turnpikes
March 2019
Andy Ball: In Praise of Stamps Orchard
November 2018
David Hodgson: WW1 and St. Edwards Orphanage.
September 2018
Wendy Thompson: Colwall Allotments - So where are they then?.
June 2018
Barbara Eagles - Obituary.
Andy Ball: The Ball Family during the Great War.
James Bowen (Victoria County History): Love and Incest in 1th century Colwall.
April 2018
TIC Malvern: A Ridge Top Walk.
TIC Malvern: John Masefield.
January 2018
TIC Malvern: Tunnels through the Hills.
Wilfred Harper: The Doomed Pleasure Palace on the Hills.
September 2017
John Fagg (Victoria County History): The Growth of Population in Victorian Colwall.
David Whitehead (Victoria County History): Brand Lodge, Upper Colwall.
Mary Clayburn: From the Archives . Perrycroft Lodge
June 2017
Celia Kellett (Victoria County History): Colwall and the Railway - 19th Century accidents and mishaps.
Jane Adams (Victoria County History): Elementary Education in Colwall.
Chairman's report to AGM 24th April 2017.
January 2017
Tom Marsh Lt Col Re (retd) OBE Obituary.
Mary Clayburn: Colwall Archives.
Emma Mawby (Victoria County History): Colwall Census 1851-1901 : times of change.
September 2016
World War One Postcard Pictures of Colwall.
Lorna Cook: Reflections: Part Three. Childhood at Hoe Farm - WWII
July 2016
Lorna Cook: Reflections: Part Two. Childhood in Colwall - WWII
Jonathon Comber: Rev. Arthur Cecil White ( Vicar of Colwall) World War II Diary.
Chairman's report to AGM 18th April 2016.
April 2016
Lorna Cook: Reflections: Part One. Childhood in Colwall - WWII
January 2016
Amanda Simons: Evendine Court School. Origns of the school at Camp End, Jubillee Drive
Marion Percy - MBE.
August 2015
David Hodgson: The Will of Charles Dickens and the Malvern Connection - Part Two.
Information about the German Pilot who may have been a pupil at Malvern College.
Colwall Bird Survey.
June 2015
Mariegold Ward: Purley House. The Purlieu. History of the house with names of occupants. Mid 18th century to 1915.
David Hodgson: The Will of Charles Dickens and the Malvern Connection.
Chairman's report to AGM 20th April 2015.
January 2015
David Hodgson: Humphrey Walwyn.
Reminiscences by Barbara Eagles October 1940.
September 2014
David Hodgson: Rope Making in Colwall. History of village residents. 1841-1934
July 2014
Article from the Malvern Gazette & Ledbury Reporter, August 30, 1979: Tunnelling through the Malvern Hills for 10 bob a shift.
Nicholas Neve: Colwall War Memorial.
Chairman's report to AGM 20th April 2014.
David Hodgson: Rope Making in Colwall (to be continued).
April 2014
Barbara Miller: The Countess and Colwall (A tale of two women and their "dashing" husbands). Mr Roland Cave-Browne-Cave
David Hodgson: Transcription of a Document Relating to Transfer of Land in Colwall.
January 2014
David Hodgson: The Village Tannery.
October 2013
L.T.E. Goodwin: The Runt (Final Part). Childhood memories 1913-1918
Robin Everett: Night Mail: Wystan Hugh Audenn, Benjamin Britten and the Colwall Connection.
July 2013
L.T.E. Goodwin: The Runt . Childhood memories 1911-1913
Barbara Miller: "A Fair Field Full of Folk". Life in the 14th Century
Michael Milne: Chairman's Report.
April 2013
Nicholas Neve: National Hunt Racing at Colwall Park Racecourse [Part Two] 1900 to 1939.
January 2013
Nicholas Neve: National Hunt Racing at Colwall Park Racecourse [Part One] 1900 to 1939.
October 2012
Ross Rayburn: "Wealth of Water and Wickets" Reproduced from B'ham Post Weekend 18/03/1995. Stephen Ballard, Malvern water & cricket
Reproduced by Barbra Eagles: Some 75 Years before... an extract from Kelly's Almanac for 1921. Description of Colwall and information
July 2012
Michael Milne: Chairman's report to AGM 24th April 2012.
Has the Stone Shrunk or Sunk. Photo
Michael Milne: Colwall Hill National School (C of E).
Reproduced by Barbra Eagles: Mr and Mrs Charles Pedlingham and Family outside 'Joyces' (Stowe Lane). Photo
Transcription (modern spelling) of the Scory/Westfaling dispute over Colwall Park - Part ll .
April 2012
David Hodgson: Transcription of the Old Castle Estate of Mrs B Pytt.
Robin Everett: Vera Brittain Visits Colwall. Extracts from her Diary for 1939.
February 2012
Liz Boocock: Colwall Singers.
Transcription (modern spelling) of the Scory/Westfaling dispute over Colwall Park - 1596.
David Lovelace: Talk on Colwall Park (January 30th 2012). The Flap Gate entrance to Colwall Park
October 2011
Rebecca Roseff: Going With The Flow; How Colwall Stream Reaches The River.
Elizabeth Lloyd: The Bright Family in Colwall.
Two Plaques In Six Weeks!. Elizabeth "Betty" Snowball and Bruce Bairnsfather.
July 2011
Mike Lewis: Our Visit to Hope End.
Colwall Village Society Plaques. Elizabeth "Betty" Snowball and Bruce Bairnsfather.
Charles Bruce Bairnsfather (Born 9th July 1887 - Died September 1959).
Elizabeth "Betty" Alexandra Snowball (Born 9th July in Burnley, Lancashire - Died 13th December 1988 in Colwall).
March 2011
Agenda for AGM to be held on 18th April 2011.
Martin Colman: Hoe Court and the Binyon Connection.
Tim Bridges: St James Church Colwall in Context. List of comparative buildings.
September 2010
Kind permission of Barbara Eagles: Wartime Entertainments for Colwall (1942 or 1943).
Late Mr Henry Meates. Former resident: Colwall Reminiscences. Recollections of 1850-1900. Story of a Black Ghost. When the Railway Came. Verger who Prodded Sleepy Churchgoers
Given by Tom Marsh. Article from the Royal Engineers Journal.: Major General Logan Scott-Bowden CBE, DSO, MC & Bar. Article on Maj. Gen. Scott-Bowden's mother
CVS History and Water Maps. Availability
July 2010
Chairman's report at AGM 26th April 2010.
Colwall Funday Day - 31st May 2010.
Marion Percy: Piers Plowman.
Colwall Ghost Stories. Request
Michael Burke - RIP.
April 2010
David Hodgson: John Unett - Chartered Accountant and Author (1906 - 1984).
Colwall Shops - As Remembered by the Late Peter Pedlingham. List and map
January 2010
Terry Dipple (of Fairfield, Ohio, USA): Request for Information - Charles Dipple and family. Photo
James Ferguson: "The Ledbury Run". Map of 'run'
Elizabeth Pitkin (nee Perryman): The Perryman family in Colwall.
October 2009
Janet Sutton: At last a picture of Aunt Alice!. The Scarecrow Day in Colwall
Conrad Shail: Geopark Way Trail - Update 3. Guide
The CVS Exhibition at the Horticultural Show - 8th August 2009. Plaque voting forms
July 2009
Michael Milne: Peter Pedlingham.
Ian Rowat - Chairman of Conservators: Balancing Act. Malvern Hills
Freda Ballard: The Ballard Family.
Chairman's report for AGM 27th April 2009.
Marion Percy: The Mystery of the Missing Milestone!. Photo
April 2009
Barbara Eagles: Memories of 'The Stores'. Photo
By a Special Correspondent: Transcript from Unidentfied Newspaper Cutting, Dated February 15th 1944. The Pedlinghams are ordinary folk - but SO exclusive!
James Ferguson: Colwall's Nature Reserves.
Colwall Gets Its New Bridge At Last!.
January 2009
Gwyneth Rees: 'Aunt Alice' Exhibition. Photos
Society's First Commemorative Plaque. Dame Laura Knight
Steam Trains In Colwall.
Barbara Eagles: Colwall Shops In The Past.
Funny, Isn't It? . Handbill - "Stolen. A valuable Horse Road Sweeping Machine
Marion Percy: David's Grove. David Percy
Conrad Shail: The Mystery of the Missing Madonna. Requesting information
September 2008
Two Plaques Erected. 1983 - 2007 Upkeep of Station gardens
Dame Laura Knight. Agreement for plaque
Aunt Alice Repairs. Donations request
1881 Census. Collating records
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust. Sites chosen
March 2008
Some good nights out. Derek Lewis retiring as Chairman
Willow Spring. Restored
Conrad Shail: Geopark Way Trail - Update 2.
Archive News. Donation of Minute Book by Horticultural Society
Anniversaries in 2008. Village Society, Colwall Players & Colwall Singers
January 2008
Conrad Shail: Geopark Way Trail Update.
Colwall Railway Bridge. Traffic management system introduced Dec 2007
Chris Sennett: Orchard Survey in Colwall.
The Royal Malvern Spa Concert Hall.
September 2007
Colwall Railway Bridge. Opened for pedestrians
Ken Gaines (Elder of the church): The Old Organ at the Wyche Free Church.
Milkmen in Colwall. List supplied by Ken Hughes
Archive News. 3 photos of dedication of the Church, Upper Colwall 3 photos of Flower Show 1948. Photo of Ledbury Hunt 1910 showing Temperance Hotel & Post Office 'The Story of Ebrington Road'. 'A Light on the Hill' Wyche Church. Minute Books of Ratepayers Ass. Invoices etc from Lockyears and shops 1950s - 80s. Copy of Racecourse grandstand
June 2007
Mrs Phyllis Benson (nee Powell): Mrs Emma Powell and Lockyear's Garage.
Dr Johathan Pearce: A Doctor in Colwall.
March 2007
Conrad Shail: Geopark Way Trail.
Archive News. Midland Edition of Radio Times March 10, 1950
Terry Dipple of Ohio. 35 ancestors traced
Blacksmiths in Colwall. Corrections to article in Newsletter June 2006
January 2007
Deb Turnbull: Malvern and Abberley Hills Geopark - Trail Guide.
Paul Picton: Old Court Nurseries, Colwall - Two families, three generations.
September 2006
Marion Percy: Another Smithy. Smithy at Colwall Green
Michael Milne: Colwall Hill School.
June 2006
What happened? (Dowsing Experience Day).
Marion Percy: Blacksmiths in Colwall.
February 2006
Programme changes.
January 2006
Nicholas Neve: History Recording. Booklet
Recent additions to the Archive.
September 2005
Railway bridge. August 2005 road narrowed to one lane
Mr Ken Gaines: From the Archive. 4 page leaflet Wyche Mission Chapel
July 2005
Chris Sennett: Looking around... Flower fields.
Why Jenny Lind chose Colwall.
Park Farm. Restoration
January 2005
Joyce Ingledew: A Mediaeval Tragedy. Black Death
Village Archive. Acquisitions and purchases
Unitary Development Plan. Start
September 2004
R.A.H. Lechmere: The Germans have Landed!. Local Defence Volunteer
History of an Upper Colwall Cottage.
Update on Milestones.
July 2004
Orchids in Colwall.
Are you Troubled by Weeds?. Sephen Ballard invention
Frontline Colwall. Memories from the 2nd World War
Unitary Development Plan.
March 2004
Derek Lewis: Chairman's Report.
Tom Marsh: The Folk Who Lived on the Hill'.
January 2004
New History Booklets Complete.
Death of Irene Southall.
Michael Burke: How many miles to Babylon?. Milestones
Chris Sennett: Mistletoe in Colwall.
September 2003
Derek Lewis: Mr Jenny Lind. Auction of autograph letter by Jenny Lind
Irene Southall: Rock Bottom (concluded). Geology
Chris Sennett: From the Archive. Transcript of 'An English Village'
June 2003
Derek Lewis: In the Swim. Swimming pools in the area
Graham Cowan: Formation of a Village History and Archaeological Interest Group.
Aerial Photos on Display.
Ladbury Reporter & Guardian 29/1/1923: A Tale of Two Tunnels. Tunnel through Malvern Hills
Irene Southall: Rock Bottom (part 2). Geology
April 2003
Susan Bond: Chairman's Report.
David Ward: Parish Pictoral Map.
Jim Savage and Graham Cowan: Colwall Then and Now.
January 2003
Graham Cowan: An EGGs-acting Problem to FOX you. Foxes stealing birds' eggs
Irene Southall: Rock Bottom. Geology
Joyce Ingledew: Colwall in 1901. 1901 Census
Trees in the Wind. Trees blown down 26/27 October 2002
Millennium Room Archive. 'A Herefordshire Miscellany'
September 2002
Jubilee Pictorial Map. Availability
James Ferguson: Discovery Walks.
James Ferguson: Colwall Green - an update. Colwall Green management
From the Archives - From beacons to telephones.
June 2002
Marie Ritchie: Preserving Memories. Tape recorded interviews
G W Grundy: From the Archives - Convalescents in Colwall. Carnbrea' Beacon Road
Bird Survey Results.
April 2002
Susan Bond: Chairman's Report.
Susan Bond and Graham Cowan: The Millennium Room and archive.
Nicky Carless: Colwall Village Design Statement.
Derek Lewis: History projects.
January 2002
James Boyd: A New Railway History - Don't stand up in the Tunnel. Downs Light Railway
Improvement of the Sewage Works.
Where's that name from?. How did Colwall get its name?
From the Archives - Hotels andTariffs in 1930-31.
September 2001
Wild Flowers on Colwall Green.
Joyce Ingledew: 'Perrycroft'.
Irene Southall: Not so much fun....... Iron Age hill forts
Village Design Statement goes to press.
June 2001
David Ward: Aftermath - The Good News. Foot and Mouth epidemic
All the Fun of the Fair?. Iron Age hill forts
Margaret Freed: From the Archives. Colwall shops in the 1940s
April 2001
Susan Bond: Chairman's Report.
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement . Completion
Joyce Ingledew: 'Colwall through the Millennia'. Proceeds to fund Parish Pictorial map
Derek Turner: History projects. Progress reviewed
Liz Taylour: Hedgerow Survey Group. Results
December 2000
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement. Final draft
Unitary Development Plan. Public comment in Autumn 2001
Telecomms mast refused.
'Colwall through the Millennia' warmly received.
Joyce Ingledew: From the Archives. Bishop Lacy
Racecourse research goes national. Colwall Park Race Club
Colwall on the internet.
June 2000
Tourism in Colwall.
Millennium Memories. Final proofs of 'Colwall through the Millennia'
Millennium Yew. Planted at St James' Church
Carole Green: The History of Colwall Green. Five pages of manuscript
Sydney H Jones: From the Archives - Colwall: an attrctive village beneath the beautiful Malvern Hills. Ledbury Reporter 5 September 1958
April 2000
Susan Bond: Second Successful Year. Membership over 100
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement. Final draft being put together
Joyce Ingledew: Colwall through the Millennia. At printers
Derek Turner: History projects. 3 projects nearing completion
Rod Lovegreen: Archive Recording Group.
Liz Taylour: Hedgerow Survey Group.
Graham Cowan: Colwall 2000 Domesday.
Derek Turner: New - Bird Survey Group.
January 2000
Gems from George Grundy.
David Ward: A Hidden Gem. Schweppes
'Colwall through the Millennia'. Grant of ?5000 by National Lottery
Charity Registration. Registering the Society
November 1999
Tourism in Colwall - coping with 'The Visitors'. Public consultation
Archaeology. Survey of Malvern Hills AONB
Conservation areas?. Discussions with Herefordshire Council
Valerie Goodbury: Quarrying, brickmaking and lime-burnng. Cassette tape available
August 1999
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement. Draft
Irene Southall: The h..h..haunting of Barton Holloway. Hope End estate
April 1999
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement.
Colwall Millennium Projects Group. Library extension
David Ward: Annual Review - Millennium Projects. Three projects
January 1999
Village Society Millennium Projects. 'Colwall through the Millennia' a Souvenir Booklet
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement. Response to questionnaire
Re-typing of 'History' completed. 'The History of Colwall'
November 1998
History Projects get started. 80 Projects. 29 allocated
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement Questionnaire.
... and what do you think about a Millennium Project for the Society?.
A major project for Colwall?. Questionnaire to be produced
September 1998
Nicky Carless: Village Design Statement.
Liz Taylour: Hedgerow Survey Group.
Derek Turner: History projects.
Have you heard of Colwall Quoinings?. Apple trees donated by H & W County Council
Lockyears Site. Planning permission
Joyce Ingledew: Evendine Lane Mediaeval barn. Lower Farm
Telecomms mast . Application
May 1998
First AGM - 'Memory Lane'. First meeting April 14th. Reminiscences available on tape
History projects - getting started. First meeting 21st May.
Liz Taylour: Hedgerow Survey Group. First meeting 23rd April
Colwall and the Millennium. Design a flag
A Village Design Statement - what is it.
Information - What is the Colwall Village Society?. Inaugural Open Meeting 16th February
March 1998
History projects. Where do we start?!.
Village Spring Clean.
Village Design Statement - can we influence planning?.
Hedgerows - gone .....
First objects for the Colwall collection!. Ballard token. 'Memories of a Clodhopper'
Telecomms mast. Chances Pitch
A Footpaths Information Board. Donated by Hereford & Worcester County Council
Charity Registration. Clarify possible registration